Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Poetic Samples

I have never shared my poems but what the hell here are a couple samples:

              Stolen Moments

A moment that you didn’t expect to be so beautiful and  special
A moment you didn’t even realize until it was over
A moment I had to steal from you because you are so busy
A moment I felt you needed to have for the experience it brings
A moment I needed to have so I could fill my emptiness for you
A moment where the energy and vibe do most of the work
A moment when you look back at your inner soul smiles
A moment that seems to last forever
A moment I can’t wait for to happen again
A stolen moment for you and I

                            Mind Ignorance

Evolution of time runs through your mind
Traveling through Spaces and Places you never thought reachable
Dropping situations of good times, and bad with events such as
Wars, Hunger, Homelessness, Recessions, and lives lost
As the mind tries to process this it starts to reject it saying   not possible
An attitude forms blinders to what’s really going on
So your mind now not knowing or caring follows the formula E=Ignorance Squared
Otherwise known as Mind Ignorance

As Badu so stated I'm an artist so I'm sensitive about my!!!